Friday, September 9, 2011

Our summer vaction and back to school

Its been a while since we've updated our blog. We had a great summer vaction in Logan Utah with our Grandma, Grandpa,cousins, and our Aunt and Uncle. We were out of town for almost 3 three weeks and  the weather wasn't as hot as hot as here. We spent three to four days at Island park. It was a blast. We rafted 5 miles down a river for three hours and rode four wheelers. While the boys went fishing us girls stayed in our cabin and played games. We went to Yellow Stone National Park and saw some geysers. In Logan we went rockwall climbing and went to a mini zoo. Our Grandparents are very nice to take our family of 13 including them, the 5 of us, and our coudins family of 6 on a fabulous vacation every summer.

I went to Camp Rainbow again this year as a 5th year camper and as usual had a total blast riding horses, getting messy, hangin' out with my friends and much much more

Now we're back in school and having to get back into the swing of things. I am in 7th grade, Brayden is a 1st grader, and Carson is a 3rd grader. In some ways I am happy to be back in school. Here we go again with another very busy school year. Woo hoo!

P.S. As some of you already know I have been totally into poetry and writing stories so my Dad helped me create a website to post my poetry and stories. I hope to one day become a famous writer. Here is the link: Please feel free to check out my semi new website.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Welcome to the Writings of Makenzie Blog

Welcome to my new website! My name is Makenzie Moore. I'm 12 years old and I have been writing poems in hopes that one day I will become a famous poet. I have written poems about my Great Grandparents who have already passed away, flowers, and other things too. My Dad has helped me create this blog for posting my stories and poems. I would like to thank him and an author who I know who gave me advice on how to be a famous poet. I hope you enjoy reading my stories and poems!
Remember, for all those of you who have a dream don't just wait for it, do something to make that dream come true!

For a personalized poem or story at the price of $3.00, leave a comment giving me your name, email and/or address, and everything you want to be in the poem with the type of poem you would like.
Have fun exploring my website and reading my stories and poems.